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Box Office

Box Office

Weekend Box Office: Sept 20 - Sept 22, 2019

Last week we predicted new releases would top the box office and that 'Ad Astra' would be the new #1 movie, but also said we wouldn't be shocked if 'Downton Abbey' won because of the popularity of the TV show. Of course 'Downton Abbey' did win with an impressive $31M opening weekend. 'Ad Astra' was your 2nd place movie with $19M and in 3rd place was another new release of an old franchise, 'Rambo: Last Blood' with $18.8M! The latest story in the Rambo saga did very well, so yes Sylvester Stallone is still kicking butt at 73 years old Lol! After two weeks as the number 1 movie 'It: Chapter Two' dropped to 4th place with $17M and a worldwide total now of $386M! Rounding out the top spots this past weekend was 'Hustlers' with $16.8M and an impressive 2 week domestic total now of $62M on a budget of only $20M! 

There is only one movie opening in wide release this coming weekend,
'Abominable', the animated story of a magical Yeti that must return to his family from the Dreamworks studio. We don't believe 'Downton Abbey' will repeat and 'Abominable' is going to be in 4,100 theatres so our official prediction is that 'Abominable' will be your new #1 movie at the box office after this coming weekend!

Thanks for reading our weekly report! For full box office results please use our source for all this info Box Office Mojo!

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