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Box Office

Box Office

Weekend Box Office: Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2020

It was a pretty slow weekend at the Box Office, in fact there was no change in the top 3 spots. Totals also dropped on average of 42% but with $17.6M 'Bad Boys for Life', as we predicted last week, did "Three-Peat" as the #1 movie.

Staying in 2nd place was '1917' with $9.5M and repeating in 3rd place this past weekend with $7.5M was 'Dolittle' starring Robert Downey Jr. Opening in 4th place with $6.1M was 'Gretel and Hansel', the latest Horror version of the classic fairy tale. Rounding out the top spots in 5th place with $6M was 'Jumanji: The Next Level'. 

Despite being such a slow weekend at the Box 
Office, all of that is about to change now as 'Birds Of Prey' opens in theatres this weekend! Critics are raving and Margot Robbie is back as Harley Quinn, after splitting with the Joker, she joins superheroes Black Canary, Huntress and Renee Montoya to save a young girl from an evil crime lord. This is an easy prediction for us to make! 'Birds Of Prey' will without a doubt be the new #1 movie at the Box Office after this coming weekend. Thank you so much for tuning in to these weekly Box Office reports! For full box office results please use our source for all this info Box Office Mojo!
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