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Box Office

Box Office

Weekend Box Office: Jan 24 - Jan 26, 2020

Last week we predicted that 'Bad Boys for Life' would repeat as the #1 movie at the Box Office and the super cops from Miami did not disappoint! They indeed repeated with a $34M weekend. It was just over 45% down from the opening weekend totals but good enough to be 1st place! At the time of this post, it has already earned $128M domestically and $225M worldwide, not too shabby considering it has been 17 years since the last film in the franchise.

In 2nd place again was '1917' with $15.9M and repeating in 3rd place this past weekend with $12.2M was the underwhelming 'Dolittle' starring Robert Downey Jr. Opening in 4th place with $10.6M was 'The Gentlemen', the new British Crime Comedy from director Guy Ritchie. Rounding out the top spots in 5th place with $7.7M was 
'Jumanji: The Next Level', which also now boasts a worldwide total of $740M!

There are 2 movies opening in wide release this coming weekend!
'Gretel and Hansel' the latest Horror version of the classic fairy tale of a young girl who leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil. Also opening this weekend is 'The Rhythm Section' starring Blake Lively about a woman seeking revenge against those who orchestrated a plane crash that killed her family. Neither of these films is going to break records, therefore our official prediction is that 'Bad Boys for Life' will "Three-Peat" as the #1 movie at the Box Office after this coming weekend. Thank you so much for tuning in to these weekly Box Office reports! For full box office results please use our source for all this info Box Office Mojo!
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