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Box Office

Box Office

Weekend Box Office: Feb 15 - Feb 18, 2019

It was a Long Weekend in both Canada & the US so there was an extra day added to this Box Office report, however, it was the lowest totals for this long weekend in 15 years! That being said, it took us by complete surprise that new movie 'Alita: Battle Angel' took the top spot with a 4-Day Long Weekend total of $34.3M over other newcomers & last week's #1 film 'The Lego Movie 2'. 'Alita' is the digital animation story of a deactivated female cyborg that is revived, but cannot remember anything of her past life and goes on a quest to find out who she is. It's directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by James Cameron so I guess we can't be too surprised, however, what we didn't see coming was the lacklustre performance by 'The Lego Movie 2' coming in 2nd place with only $27.3M giving way to 'Alita' being able to come out on top. It's worth noting that although it was in 1st place, the $34.3M opening is a far cry from the very high budget of $170M for this film. Hopefully it will make up in worldwide box office what it is lacking domestically. In 3rd place was the new Rom-Com 'Isn't It Romantic' starring Rebel Wilson with $16.6M for this long weekend that was also coming off of Valentine's Day. In 4th place with $12.3M, was last week's #2 film, 'What Men Want' starring Taraji P. Henson. In 2 weeks it has almost doubled its $20M budget with $37.6M domestically, which they must be pleased with despite the big drop between week 1 & week 2. Rounding out the top spots over the long weekend, coming in 5th place was the new horror sequel 'Happy Death Day 2U' with an opening of $11M. Not bad, considering the total budget for the film was only $9M.

There is only one movie opening in wide release this coming weekend, 'How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World'. The 3rd instalment in the DreamWorks/Universal studio animated movies, this one follows "Hiccup" discovering "Toothless" isn't the only Night Fury, he must seek "The Hidden World", a secret Dragon Utopia before a hired tyrant named Grimmel finds it first. It's opening in 4,000+ theatres and considering the abysmal performance by the films over this past long weekend, I think we can safely predict 'How to Train Your Dragon 3' will be the #1 movie in the box office this coming weekend!

Tune in every Week as we recap the Weekend! For full box office results please use our source for all this info Box Office Mojo!

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