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"May The 4th Be With You": Star Wars Day Recap!

Hey Funko Funatics! 

If yesterday was May the 4th, does that make today Revenge of the Fifth? 

< insert Chewbacca's Wookie laughter > 

Okay, okay, back on topic. As many of you know, yesterday was May the 4th and that meant A LOT of really exciting Star Wars news. Since there was a flurry of announcements, we're going to recap all of the Funko Star Wars news that dropped yesterday.

Grab your juice jammers and get ready because we're making the jump into hyperspace! Let's Go! 

Kicking things off... we had the release of the first episode of the new Bad Batch series on Disney Plus, a continuation of super cool characters that we were first introduced to from The Clone Wars animated series. It was an extended 75-minute episode which was WICKED and has us super hyped for the rest of the first season. With the arrival of the Bad Batch series it also meant a wave of awesome Bad Batch Pops! Let's take a closer look ... 



Featuring the core cast, Hunter, Echo, Tech, Crosshair & Wrecker, these Pops look incredible. Each Pop figure is highly detailed and showcases each characters' heightened ability from the series. We have these Pops available for pre-order individually, or you can Buy The Set and Save

There were also a few Bad Batch Exclusives that were announced yesterday as well, a Target Exclusive Omega and a pair of Amazon Exclusives with the pins:

As always, we'll do our best to get our hands on these guys for you as well!! 

But that is just the tip of the iceberg... there was a Funko Shop Exclusive Darth Vader that released and sold out in minutes:

Then of course there was the next character to be featured in the GameStop Exclusive Bounty Hunter Line - Bossk: 
This guy looks awesome! The Bounty Hunter line is going to look unreal once they're all released and we can get our hands on them! 

GameStop wasn't stopping there either... they announced three more exclusives, Inferno Squad Iden Versio (with Chase), Nightbrother and a Glow-in-the-Dark Republic Commando Boss: 

And Nightbrother wasn't the only badass from Dathomir that was announced yesterday... that's right, Chalice Collectibles made huge waves in the Star Wars Funko community with the announcement of a dual-wielding Darth Maul Exclusive: 

This. Pop. Is. SIIIICK! We don't want to get into spoiler territory, but you may just recognize one of his weapons, the Darksaber, that made an appearance in the Mandalorian series. But that's all we will say! 

There were also some rumours swirling about a Star Wars Force Unleashed Starkiller Pop coming soon and a Knights of the Old Republic Darth Nihilus Glow Exclusive... but nothing concrete was announced about either of those. 

Phew, that should cover everything. Again, don't miss the Bad Batch series on Disney+, you can watch a trailer for the series here and grab all your Bad Batch Pre-Order Funko Pops from K-Dog & Fish

P.S. if you're reading this in time, we have a special Star Wars Flash Sale happening right now on our website with huge discounts on Star Wars Pop Deluxe Exclusives, Super Sized Pops and more! You can check out the Star Wars Flash by clicking here. The flash sale ends Thursday, May 6th at 11:59 PM. 

We want to know which announcement from Star Wars Day has you most excited! Be sure to tell us on our Facebook Page or Instagram

May the 4th... and may the force be with you always 🙏

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