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Box Office

Box Office

Weekend Box Office: June 7 - June 9, 2019

Well last week we predicted 'The Secret Life of Pets 2' would be your new #1 movie at the Box Office and we were spot on!  The Illumination Studio sequel 'The Secret Life of Pets 2', with Patton Oswalt new as the voice of Max The Dog, came in 1st place with $46.6M. Not a huge opening weekend by any means, but it was good enough to take the top spot. In 2nd place with $32.8M was another new release, 'Dark Phoenix'. The latest in the X-Men films & possibly the last under the Fox banner with the Disney/Marvel purchase of Fox. It did far better overseas with an opening weekend of $103M. Dropping one spot from last week, Disney's Live-Action 'Aladdin' came in 3rd this past weekend with $24.6M in ticket sales, bringing its 3 week domestic total to over $232M! 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' dropped all the way from 1st last week to 4th place with $15.4M & rounding out the top spots in 5th place with $13.8M was the Elton John bio-pic 'Rocketman'.

There are 2 new movies opening in wide release this coming weekend. Another 'Shaft' movie, because that is necessary lol, and the latest from MIB franchise 'Men in Black: International' starring Chris Hemsworth. Now don't get us wrong, we love Samuel L. Jackson but it's been 19 years since the last Shaft film, which we enjoyed, but do we really need a John Shaft the 3rd? It's cool the original slick private eye Richard Roundtree is also making an appearance to have 3 generations of Shaft actors in this film, just not sure it will fare too well at the Box Office. As for the new MIB movie, we think pairing Tessa Thompson with Chris Hemsworth again after they played so well off each other in Thor: Ragnarok & most recently Avengers: Endgame is a smart idea, it's just hard to imagine an MIB movie without Will Smith. Maybe he will cameo? This one also includes Emma Thompson & Liam Neeson and opens up a whole new world of MIB landscapes to explore, it will be interesting to see how it performs.

As for our official prediction, we think after a lacklustre performance of the top films at the Box Office last weekend 'Men in Black: International' will sneak by and end up as the #1 movie in theatres this coming weekend! All bets are off the following weekend when 'Toy Story 4' opens in theatres, but we will discuss that next time!

For full box office results please use our source for all this info Box Office Mojo!

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