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Funko Funatics!

Funko Funatics!

Cybill A. of Montréal, Quebec!

Congratulations to Cybill A. of Montréal, Quebec for being the latest K-Dog & Fish Funko Funatic of the Week! 

If you have tuned into one of our 4 O'Clock Friday Shows or Virtual Garage Sales Funko Auctions on Instagram Live, you may recognize Cybill by the Instagram handle: @billyca82

Check out Cybill's Funko story below:

I started collecting Funko in 2013, when I went to my first Montréal Comic-Con.

I consider myself an unboxer (gasp!). Half of my collection is out of box, the rest remains in - purely because of space. I bought my first pop just because I liked it. I never once thought about the value. Who would have known they could be worth so much now! I collect DC, Marvel and Star Wars, with some TV, movies and sports mixed in.

My most valuable pops would have been my OG She-Ra and Fan Expo Unmasked Captain America, however they were both bought in my first year of collecting, so the boxes are long gone! LOL

I got introduced to K-Dog & Fish at the beginning of pandemic, via an ad that my friend saw on Instagram. Prior to that point, my pop buying was moderate. The K-Dog & Fish shop got me hooked again! It’s safe to say I got back in the habit of buying pops “en masse” because of you guys! 


Your customer service is like no other! I recommend K-Dog & Fish whenever I can. It’s great shopping at a store where the owners are just as passionate about Pops as you are.

For anyone who hasn’t tuned in to a 4 O’Clock Friday, or a Live Auction, you need to. It is a guaranteed riot! 

To K-Dog, Fish, and the rest of your team, keep doing what you do. We all can’t wait to visit your place soon! 


Thank you very much for the kind words Cybill! We're so happy you found us and that you tune into our shows! Also thank you for recommending us, we appreciate the support! Your collection looks amazing by the way and we have to say... boy does Grogu ever look good in that K-Dog & Fish hat!


If you or someone you know would like to be featured here as a K-Dog & Fish Funko Funatic of the Week send us a DM with photos of your collection and tell us your story!

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