Fire Force, an anime TV series based a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atsushi Ōkubo! To celebrate Fire Force, Funko has announced a new wave of Pops including Shinra, Maki, Arthur...
Attention FRIENDS TV SHOW Fans! There is a whole new wave of Pops for the popular series and they are starting to arrive! We have Monica Geller as 50s Diner...
Attention FRIENDS TV SHOW Fans! There is a whole new wave of Pops for the popular series and they are starting to arrive now at K-Dog & Fish! We have...
Attention FRIENDS TV SHOW Fans! There is a whole new wave of Pops for the popular series and they are starting to arrive! We have Monica Geller as 50s Diner...
There is a brand new wave of Limited Edition Funko Vinyl SODA available now at K-Dog & Fish! Please Note: These Cans have the International Shared Logo on the Can as well...
There is a brand new wave of Limited Edition Funko Vinyl SODA available now at K-Dog & Fish! Please Note: These Cans are not International Shared Cans, they are a USA CAN and have the...
We are SUPER PUMPED to announce that K-Dog & Fish is the EXCLUSIVE CANADIAN RETAILER for the Spring Convention 2021 Funko Soda Cans for the Masters of the Universe's Man-At-Arms...
We are SUPER PUMPED to announce that K-Dog & Fish is the EXCLUSIVE CANADIAN RETAILER for the Spring Convention 2021 Funko Soda Cans for the Masters of the Universe's Man-At-Arms & Kobra...
There is a brand new wave of Limited Edition Funko Vinyl SODA available now at K-Dog & Fish! Please Note: These Cans are not International Shared Cans, they are a USA CAN and have the...
Futurama is back and Funko is celebrating with a whole new wave of Pops including this wicked BURPING BENDER Specialty Series Exclusive! Limited quantities are available online now at K-Dog...
Futurama is back and Funko is celebrating with a whole new wave of Pops including Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender Matador and Zapp Brannigan! Get your favourites individually or...
Futurama is back and Funko is celebrating with a whole new wave of Pops including Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender Matador and Zapp Brannigan! Get your favourites individually or...
Futurama is back and Funko is celebrating with a whole new wave of Pops including Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender Matador and Zapp Brannigan! Get your favourites individually or...
Futurama is back and Funko is celebrating with a whole new wave of Pops including Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender Matador and Zapp Brannigan! Get your favourites individually or...
Futurama is back and Funko is celebrating with a whole new wave of Pops including Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender Matador and Zapp Brannigan! Get your favourites individually or...
Browse all Game of Thrones Pops from K-Dog & Fish
Commemorate the Battle of Winterfell & bring home this Final Season Game of Thrones Night King Pop with a dagger in his chest.*PLEASE NOTE THESE HAVE BOX IMPERFECTIONS AND ARE DISCOUNTED...
"The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands." Funko is celebrating the 10th Anniversary - or the "Iron Anniversary" - of...
"All men should keep their word, kings most of all." -- Robb Stark Funko is celebrating the 10th Anniversary - or the "Iron Anniversary" - of the hit HBO series Game...
"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour, and it can never be used to hurt you." -- Tyrion Funko is celebrating...
Garbage Pail Kids first launched as sticker trading cards in 1985 and were intended to be a parody of the then-popular Cabbage Patch Kids. Each sticker featured a different Garbage...
Garbage Pail Kids first launched as sticker trading cards in 1985 and were intended to be a parody of the then-popular Cabbage Patch Kids. Each sticker featured a different Garbage...
Funko is taking us on a "3 Hour Tour" with a brand new wave of Gilligan's Island Pops form the Classic TV Series! An extremely popular TV series it ran...
Funko is taking us on a "3 Hour Tour" with a brand new wave of Gilligan's Island Pops form the Classic TV Series! An extremely popular TV series it ran...
Funko is taking us on a "3 Hour Tour" with a brand new wave of Gilligan's Island Pops form the Classic TV Series! An extremely popular TV series it ran...
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days Thursday, Friday, Happy Days Saturday, what a day, rockin' all week for you 🎶🎶🎶 The classic TV sitcom Happy Days ran from...
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days Thursday, Friday, Happy Days Saturday, what a day, rockin' all week for you 🎶🎶🎶 The classic TV sitcom Happy Days ran from...
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days Thursday, Friday, Happy Days Saturday, what a day, rockin' all week for you 🎶🎶🎶 The classic TV sitcom Happy Days ran from...
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days Thursday, Friday, Happy Days Saturday, what a day, rockin' all week for you 🎶🎶🎶 The classic TV sitcom Happy Days ran from...
Funko Fair 2021 is bringing us a ton of very cool, super exciting Pops for all of our favourite movies, shows, games and more! With Funko Fair 2021 TV Day...
Funko has just announced a wave of Pops inspired by the hit television series His Dark Materials. This wave includes: Lee with Hester, Asriel with Stelmaria, Lyra with Pan and...
Funko has just announced a wave of Pops inspired by the hit television series His Dark Materials. This wave includes: Lee with Hester, Asriel with Stelmaria, Lyra with Pan and...
Funko has just announced a wave of Pops inspired by the hit television series His Dark Materials. This wave includes: Lee with Hester, Asriel with Stelmaria, Lyra with Pan and...
Funko is celebrating the return of the HBO hit smah hit show Game Of Thrones with a brand new wave of Pops from the new Prequel Series called HOUSE OF...
Funko is celebrating the return of the HBO hit smah hit show Game Of Thrones with a brand new wave of Pops from the new Prequel Series called HOUSE OF...
Funko is celebrating the return of the HBO hit smah hit show Game Of Thrones with a brand new wave of Pops from the new Prequel Series called HOUSE OF...
Funko is celebrating the return of the HBO hit smah hit show Game Of Thrones with a brand new wave of Pops from the new Prequel Series called HOUSE OF...
Funko has just released a brand new set of Pops from the Anime series HUNTER X HUNTER! They include Bisky, Kite with Scythe and Netero! We also have limited quantities...
Attention Anime Fans! We just received the brand new INUYASHA SESSHOMARU'S MOTHER Funko Shop Exclusive! Limited quantities are available now at K-Dog & Fish! We are your home in Canada for...
Attention Nickelodeon Fans! We just received the Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius with Ray Gun! Limited quantities are online now at K-Dog & Fish! We are your home in...
We are excited to introduce K-Dog & Fish Starter Mystery Boxes - a great GIFT IDEA and/or an awesome way to jump-start your Funko collection! Each Starter Mystery Box contains...
K-Dog & Fish: ANIMATION DOMINATION MYSTERY BOX! There are 6 POPS INSIDE, bubble wrapped & packed perfectly UPSIDE DOWN so you have no idea until you pull out that 1st Pop! This Mystery Box is Anime &...
K-Dog & Fish: VINTAGE VHS MYSTERY BOX! There are 6 POPS INSIDE, bubble wrapped & packed perfectly UPSIDE DOWN so you have no idea until you pull out that 1st Pop! This Mystery Box is Classic Movies...
We just starting getting in shared Exclusives from Chigaco's C2E2 2024 Convention! Including this wicked LOONEY TUNES EGGHEAD JR! These are extremely limited and will go fast, so don't miss...
Funko is celebrating Spooky Season early with a brand new wave of Pops! Including Bugs Bunny as Ghost, Marvin the Martian as Mummy, Tweety Bird as Witch and Sylvester the...
Funko is celebrating Spooky Season early with a brand new wave of Pops! Including Bugs Bunny as Ghost, Marvin the Martian as Mummy, Tweety Bird as Witch and Sylvester the...
Funko is celebrating Spooky Season early with a brand new wave of Pops! Including Bugs Bunny as Ghost, Marvin the Martian as Mummy, Tweety Bird as Witch and Sylvester the...
Funko is celebrating Spooky Season early with a brand new wave of Pops! Including Bugs Bunny as Ghost, Marvin the Martian as Mummy, Tweety Bird as Witch and Sylvester the...
Funko is celebrating Spooky Season early with a brand new wave of Pops! Including Bugs Bunny as Ghost, Marvin the Martian as Mummy, Tweety Bird as Witch and Sylvester the...
We are now receiving our haul of this year's shared SDCC 2024 Exclusives! Including this wicked MARVIN THE MARTIAN with Flag! Limited quantities are available online online now at K-Dog &...
"Wanda and Vision, aren't we a fine pair?" -- Vision --- Disney+ is soon to launch an entire wave of Marvel series pulling characters and storylines directly from the MCU...
Attention Marvel Fans! Did you miss out on the 2017 Punisher from the Daredevil series? Well recently Funko did a 2023 reprint and we have them for you at K-Dog & Fish!...
Grab this wicked Captain America (Flying) Falcon and the Winter Soldier Exclusive while you can! Limited quantities are available now!*Please Note: This is the Walmart Exclusive, however our boxes have...
Grab this wicked Captain America Sam Wilson Falcon and the Winter Soldier Exclusive while you can! Limited quantities are available now! This is the Amazon YEAR OF THE SHIELD Exclusive!Please Note: Some...
The first wave of Pops from the hit Marvel series Hawkeye on Disney Plus are now here! These brand new Pops include the Avenger legend himself Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Yelena and Maya Lopez!...
The first wave of Pops from the hit Marvel series Hawkeye on Disney Plus are now here! These brand new Pops include the Avenger legend himself Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Yelena and Maya Lopez!...
The first wave of Pops from the hit Marvel series Hawkeye on Disney Plus are now here! These brand new Pops include the Avenger legend himself Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Yelena and Maya Lopez!...
Attention Loki Fans! We are starting to receive Pops from Season 2 of the hit Marvel series on Disney Plus! Starting with Loki, Mobius and O.B. We also have the Loki &...
Attention Loki Fans! We are starting to receive Pops from Season 2 of the hit Marvel series on Disney Plus! Starting with Loki, Mobius and O.B. We also have the Loki &...